The default format used by Json.NET is the ISO 8601 standard: "2012-03-19T07:22Z". Sometimes you can't please everyone and in this case you're the person that isn't pleased. Dieses wird durch die Schreibweise Stunden-Minuten-Sekunden ausgedrückt.Für Zeitangaben in größeren Dimensionen gilt es in der Form Jahr-Monat-Tag.Das Grundformat dieser Darstellung erlaubt es, die Ziffern unmittelbar hintereinander zu schreiben. These two links show you exactly how to do it: This proposal stems from a discussion (dotnet/coreclr#22999) regarding adding a new format specifier “I” to the UTF8 DateTime(Offset) parser (and subsequently formatter) for ISO 8601 strings.The new format was to be used by the Utf8JsonReader/Writer. The spec has objects, arrays, strings, integers, and floats, but it defines no standard for what a date looks like. Where appropriate, conversions are provided - we have no illusions that you'll be able to use Noda Time for everything.Noda Time attempts to shield you from using "the wrong kind of DateTime". However, ISO calendar dates before the Convention are still compatible with the Gregorian calendar all the way back to the official introduction of the Gregorian calendar on 1582-10-15.

Die ISO 8601 Norm definiert ein international anerkanntes Format zur Darstellung von Daten. Performance isn't an issue. Dabei wird das Startdatum, dem der Buchstabe "P" für Periode folgt, von der Zeitspanne getrennt.

Hi Shaprpuff, To do this use the .ToString method on your date time object and a custom string format. Der Standard heißt " Data Elements and Interchange Formats; Information Interchange; Representation of Dates and Times" was mit "Datenelementen und Austauschformaten, Informationsaustausch, Darstellung des Datums und der Zeit " übersetzt werden kann.

Re-formatting the string. Stuart Bale: 5/24/12 12:43 PM: Hi Demis, The json string is generated from a different source, but does comply with ISO 8601 standard, which supports the timezone part to either include or exclude a : (colon). To convert a value inline for use as a datetime SELECT convert (datetime, CONVERT (datetimeoffset, '2015-09-30T08:01:30.765-07:00')) To query the value directly select case All BCL type conversions to Noda Time types which have implicit calendar systems … #N#ECMAScript Latest Draft (ECMA-262) The definition of 'Date.prototype.toISOString' in that specification. In ISO 8601 wird ein international einheitliches Format für die Datums- und Zeitangabe festgelegt.

The problem comes from the JSON spec itself: there is no literal syntax for dates in JSON. ISO 8601:2004 is applicable whenever representation of dates in the Gregorian calendar, times in the 24-hour timekeeping system, time intervals and recurring time intervals or of the formats of these representations are included in information interchange. In C# / .NET it is possible to convert DateTime object to iso 8601 string in few ways.. 1. You can use Perl to reformulate your string. DateTimes in JSON are hard. ISO 8601 wurde mit der Bezeichnung EN 28601 als europäische Norm übernommen und ist auch in die von DIN genormte Textverarbeitung eingeflossen. Our website logs that data and I don't really have control over it (I'm sure a

... DateTime vs DateTimeOffset for ISO8601 format (possible bug?) ISO 8601 fixes a reference calendar date to the Gregorian calendar of 20 May 1875 as the date the Convention du Mètre (Metre Convention) was signed in Paris. I have a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 database where the DateTime column is not a datetime data type, but varchar(50). ISO8601 values with offset can't be directly converted to datetime, but they can be converted or cast to datetimeoffset (which can, in turn, be converted to datetime). Various Noda Time types have "broadly similar" types in the .NET framework's Base Class Library (BCL).

Sebastian Nilsson on C#, ASP.NET, Azure, web-development, Azure DevOps and Agile methodologies

ISO 8601 precises different formats of date and time.

Folgende Änderungen wurden vorgenommen: Gegenüber DIN ISO 8601:2006-09 wurden folgende Änderungen vorgenommen: a) Umwandlung zu einem Teil 1 mit dem Teilnamen "Grundlegende Regeln", um einen Teil 2 der Norm mit dem Titel "Erweiterungen" zu ergänzen; b) Entfernung des Begriffs "Mitternacht" und Änderungen zur Verwendung des Wertes "24" für die Stunde.