Welcome to the first post on my Blog! Also, prometheus operator supports thanos natively which make us easier to deploy our promtheus cluster along with thanos. Easy Configuration The fundamentals of Prometheus are configured like versions, persistence, retention policies and replicas from a native Kubernetes resource.

However, series can be combined in Prometheus by using an operator on them.

A Huge thanks to the Lads behind the 2019’s Azure Advent Calendar: @Pixel_Robots and @gregor_suttie, alongside all the other 74 awesome people contributing to this community-driven Event! See this example Prometheus configuration file for a detailed example of configuring Prometheus for Kubernetes. 一、介绍prometheus-operator 二、查看配置rbac授权 三、helm安装prometheus-operator 四、配置监控k8s组件 五、granafa添加新数据源 六、监控mysql七、alertmanager配置 最后、卸载prometheus-operator

You may wish to check out the 3rd party Prometheus Operator, which automates the Prometheus setup on top of Kubernetes.

Marathon SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets using the Marathon REST API. This article includes the following contents.

Technically, Prometheus doesn’t have the concept of joining series like SQL, for example, has. It has the usual arithmetic, comparison and logical operators that can be applied to multiple series or to scalar values.

为了能够让Prometheus能够采集部署在Kubernetes下应用的监控数据,在原生的Prometheus配置方式中,我们在Prometheus配置文件中定义单独的Job,同时使用kubernetes_sd定义整个服务发现过程。而在Prometheus Operator中,则可以直接声明一个ServiceMonitor对象,如下所示:

This sits in monitoring-demo-prometheus-operator-general.rules.yaml and it is called Watchdog. The alert is always firing and its purpose is to ensure that the entire alerting pipeline is functional. Prometheus-operator的本职就是一组用户自定义的CRD资源以及Controller的实现,Prometheus Operator这个controller有BRAC权限下去负责监听这些自定义资源的变化,并且根据这些资源的定义自动化的完成如Prometheus Server自身以及配置的自动化管理工作。 在学习Prometheus Operator 的部署,Prometheus 在代码上就已经对 Kubernetes 有了原生的支持,可以通过服务发现的形式来自动监控集群,因此我们可以使用另外一种更加高级的方式来部署 Prometheus:Operator 框架。 Prometheus-Operator的架构图:

为方便管理,创建一个单独的 Namespace monitoring,Prometheus Operator 相关的组件都会部署到这个 Namespace。 # kubectl create namespace monitoring: 2.

持久化. You may wish to check out the 3rd party Prometheus Operator, which automates the Prometheus setup on top of Kubernetes. 导入相关镜像. 1 min read. 此项目默认是没有将数据进行持久化,Volume方式均采用的EmptyDir,意味着期间运行的数据随着Pod的周期而丢失,真正生产环境我们对数据的持久化是必不可少的;持久化的方式有两种,一种是采用hostPath本地落盘,另一种就是采用Persistent Volume即共享存储,官方推荐是采用hostPath方式,因为 … Yay!! A Prometheus instance can be simply launched in the Kubernetes namespace, a team using the Operator or a particular application.

But there is a rule that you should never delete. See this example Prometheus configuration file for a detailed example of configuring Prometheus for Kubernetes.

How to deploy the prometheus operator on the kubernetes

ただ、単にPrometheusの話をしてもしょうがないので、今回はPrometheusをKubernetes上で稼働させるためにおすすめな、Prometheus Operatorをご紹介します。 Prometheus Operatorとは? PrometheusOperatorはその名の通り、PrometheusのOperatorです。 coreos/prometheus-operator - …

Prometheus-operator的本职就是一组用户自定义的CRD资源以及Controller的实现,Prometheus Operator这个controller有BRAC权限下去负责监听这些自定义资源的变化,并且根据这些资源的定义自动化的完成如Prometheus Server自身以及配置的自动化管理工作。 A quick tip which took me quite some time to figure out, is how to configure the Prometheus CRD (monitoring ... but this only affects selection inside the same namespace where the Prometheus … OBS: We left one rule only just to make this demo easier.

This solution seems pretty elegant when you choose prometheus operator to provision prometheus cluster.

所有节点上面导入 prometheus-operator.tar,下载地址:prometheus-operator.tar # docker load-i prometheus-operator.tar: 安装 Prometheus Operator 1.