The 1940s got swallowed up in World War II. Zu Beginn des deutschen Angriffs am 10. March 12, 1940 Finland surrenders to the USSR, ending the brief Russo-Finnish war that began when the Soviets invaded Finland on November 30, 1939. German Invasion of Western Europe, May 1940 - Photograph Belgium and the Netherlands surrendered in May. Germany invades the Netherlands (Holland); it surrenders four days later. Am 5. 1940 – Niemcy utworzyli getto żydowskie w Krośniewicach. In 1940 or late 1939, the Nazis began "Operation T4," the first mass killings of Germans and Austrians with disabilities, most by large-scale poison gas operations. ... 1865 Major General Sam Jones, the Confederate military leader in Florida, South Carolina and South Georgia, surrenders to Union forces; The Golden Spike. Mai 1940 Freiburg bombardiert habe, gelöst sei. This program alone resulted in the murder of an estimated 275,000 persons by war's end. 10. The first year of the 1940s was filled with war-related news. Paris, the French capital, fell to the Germans on June 14, 1940. In May 1940, during the Second World War, the British war cabinet was split on the question of whether to make terms with Nazi Germany or to continue hostilities. The main protagonists were Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Foreign Secretary Viscount Halifax.The dispute escalated to crisis point and threatened the continuity of the Churchill government. In a short space of six weeks starting on May 10, 1940, the German forces defeated the Allies and conquered France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Han var i tjeneste hos kejser Julian, hvor han tvang kristne til afgudsdyrkelse. Many baseball players and other celebrities went to war, and much of American culture was focused around it. Den tyske hær var opdelt i 3 hærgrupper. Denna dag avgår därför den första konvojen (från Gibraltar) och anländer till Storbritannien den 22 maj. 1933 – Drygt tre månader efter det nazistiska maktövertagandet i Tyskland håller nazisterna ett bokbål utanför operan i Berlin, där man bränner 18 000 verk, som anses strida mot den nazistiska ideologin. This is to expected when you are fighting a war against someone. I n den frühen Morgenstunden des 10. Durch ihre Arbeit konnten ab 1956 die Verantwortlichen genannt werden. More than 300,000 French and British troops were evacuated from the beaches near Dunkirk (Dunkerque) across the English Channel to Great Britain. Mai 1940 bei Beginn des Westfeldzugs. Den 10. maj 1940 klokken 05:35 angreb tyske tropper gennem Belgien og Holland. Wesentlichen Beitrag zur Aufklärung der Ereignisse vom 10. Hærgruppe B gik ind i Holland og det nordlige Belgien, som fik de engelske og franske forsvare til at rykke ind i Belgien. Han blev imidlertid selv omvendt og led martyrdøden. Mai Igor Iwanowitsch Sikorski startet zum ersten Freiflug in einem Hubschrauber (Sikorsky VS-300) mit Heckrotor. Gordianus dag. The German invasion of France and the Low Countries in 1940 is known as the Battle of France or the Fall of France. April 1956 meldete die New York Times, dass das Rätsel, wer am 10. 1940 Historical events for the 10th of May. 1945 – Otwarto Teatr Mały w Warszawie. See what famous, interesting and notable events happened throughout history on May 10. Mai 1940 verfügt die französische Luftwaffe an der Front über 1.604 Flugzeuge (764 Jäger, 260 Bomber, 180 Aufklärer und 400 Armee-Verbindungsflugzeuge). 15. Wehrmacht Kriegsgliederung Westfeldzug Mai 1940 - Kriegsgliederung der Wehrmacht vom 10. Anzahl der Divisionen, … 1943 – Grupa Specjalna Armii Ludowej przeprowadziła zamach przy użyciu granatów na Bar Podlaski w Warszawie, w wyniku którego zginęło 6 Niemców, a kilkunastu zostało rannych. Bitka o Francúzsko (10. máj – 22. jún 1940) začala útokom nemeckých vojsk na Holandsko, Belgicko, Luxembursko (Fall Gelb), ktorý znamenal likvidáciu najlepších spojeneckých armád.Následne pokračovala útokom na Francúzsko (Fall Rot) a skončila kapituláciou Francúzska v Compiègne (ostatné štáty boli rozdrvené či kapitulovali už skôr).