Ontario Breeders and breed lovers of registered, well-reared Lhasa Apsos. I am a private breeder of quality Lhasa Apso puppies. On peut donner des bains à son chien à partir de 6 mois, sur une base mensuelle.

Lhasa Apso’s are often apartment dogs due to their small size, but they still require daily exercise. Du kan ju förklara lite mer vad det är du och din mamma har att erbjuda en hund och vad ni vill att hunden ska leva upp till. The Lhasa Apso Club of Ontario.

Although not very well known, the lhasa apso is a very popular dog in its own region and despite its tiny size, is one of the best guard dogs. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Chien, Ihasa apso et Animaux. 2019 - Découvrez le tableau "Lhassa Apso" de alyoqui sur Pinterest. Le Lhassa Apso a besoin d'un entretien et d'un brossage quotidien - même si son poil est coupé court -, car un pelage mal entretenu peut causer des nœuds et des troubles cutanés. If you bring a Lhasa Apso into your home, make sure you are prepared to implement daily play into your routine. If a Lhasa Apso does not receive at least 30 minutes of daily exercise, they may begin to show unfavorable behaviors in your home. Although the breed has never been used for purposes requiring great athleticism, the breed nonetheless has strong loin and well-developed quarters and thighs. The only Ontario based Lhasa Breeders organization affiliated with, and adhering to the Canadian Kennel Club standards for breeding and code of ethics. This little dog looks like a miniature version of the old English shepherd and is originally from Tibet. 21 janv. The Lhasa Apso a small dog, longer than it is tall. El Lhasa apso, o lhaso apso, es un perro pequeño que se caracteriza por su pelaje largo y abundante.Este pequeño perro parece una versión en miniatura del viejo pastor inglés y es originario del Tíbet. Ni behöver nog ha större krav på hunden än att den är allergivänlig för att få "rätt" hund.
298 talking about this. Aunque poco conocido, el lhasa apso es un perro muy popular en su región y es que, a pesar de su diminuto tamaño, es uno de los perros guardianes por excelencia.
The Lhasa Apso, or lhaso apso, is a small dog that is characterized by its long and abundant coat.